Postal Address: St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Box 701, Obuasi, Ghana, West Africa. 
Office Contact: 0246494719, 0243967656
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Vitalis Kokoro
Catechist: Mr. Jacob Avea
Sunday Masses: 7:00am
Weekday Masses: 5:30am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:00pm Wednesday 
Benediction: Last Thursday of every month 
Confession:      Last Saturday of every month
Outstation (1):   
St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Jimiso
Short History
St. Francis Xavier was born on 7th April, 1506 at Francisco de Jasso Azipleta. His friend Ignatius encouraged him to enter into religious life and subsequently he became one of the founders of religious order in the Catholic Church known as the Jesuit Order. Much of his life was spent tending to mission’s in areas such as India and Japan. He was forty-six when he died on December 3, 1556.
The Church draws much inspiration from the patron Saint and that has been manifested in the results of the Church during quiz competitions. The Church’s main dream is to help produce priest and nuns to serve the Church like patron the saint.

Contact Us

Most Rev. John Yaw Afoakwah
Address: P. O. Box 701,
Obuasi, Ghana
Tel: 0244109447, 0322192650